Delegation: The Essentials and How to Master

Delegation: The Essentials and How to Master

Delegation, let’s break it down for you.  Delegation is a necessary crucial attribute not just in business but in life overall. To be successful in both is not an easy task, it requires practice. We are not superman or wonder woman who can do all things in just a...

Create Clear Boundaries for Your Work-from-Home Life

Create Clear Boundaries for Your Work-from-Home Life

Global firms' conceptions of the workplace have shifted as a result of employees necessity to work from home. Working from home has altered the way global firms view their workplaces.  It can be beneficial to many individuals, but it comes with a number of drawbacks...

The Surge of Outsourcing

The Surge of Outsourcing

Out of the many previously unforeseen things that the world has learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, one impacted the majority of businesses internationally: we cannot fully rely on in-person, face-to-face work settings anymore. Hence, the surge of outsourcing on a...

How Your Virtual Assistant Saves Valentine’s Day

How Your Virtual Assistant Saves Valentine’s Day

It’s the month of love. Hearts in the air, flying cupids everywhere. And the virtual assistant is seated in front of their computer, typing away the day’s agenda. What’s on their mind? “Valentine’s day is only a few days away and there’s still much to be done. I...

Reclaim Your Time: How Virtual Assistants Make Your Life Easier

Reclaim Your Time: How Virtual Assistants Make Your Life Easier

“How long is your To-Do List?” A compelling question, not because it’s hard to answer, but because once you give an answer, you’re forced to stop and think about why the list is so long. Running a business has never been both easier and harder. It’s easier because of...

Your Virtual People Nine Years On

Your Virtual People Nine Years On

Resilience is a word that we have all been well acquainted with in the past two years, it has been a word that comes up a lot during tough times that we can almost associate the word with endurance, but no, resiliency is more than just silently enduring. It is an...

7 Keys To CEO Success

7 Keys To CEO Success

There’s a huge difference between being the senior leader and being the CEO. Every good or bad decisions that the company make, and whatever happens to the company would be owned up by the CEO. 1. Taking Charge As a CEO, you have the ultimate responsibility for the...

The Roots Of It All – YVP

The Roots Of It All – YVP

This is the story of how YVP began scaling from a small home-based office to becoming one of Clark’s most trusted BPO providers. Our company didn’t start with massive success. In fact, we have our own share of hiccups along the journey. It all started with the brains...

Building Your Digital Marketing Presence

Building Your Digital Marketing Presence

A huge part of a company’s identity is their Digital Presence. Because of the massive surge of new digital technologies over the past decade, consumers now interact with brands differently. Adaptive Marketing states that 97% of consumers use the internet to find a...