Did Covid-19 Do Anything Positive?

It’s been a year since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, claiming millions of lives and altering the way each of us interacts with and navigates the world. How has the pandemic impacted our lives this past year and did it do anything positive at all? 

The majority of pandemic-related news has been bad on the human front.

COVID-19 has killed more than 3 million individuals globally so far, and the number might be far higher considering how difficult it is to document every COVID-19 death.

While the pandemic doesn’t seem to be going anywhere any time soon (with new variants showing up here and there), it’s very easy to be caught up in the doom and gloom. We thought we’d be a little more optimistic and look at some of the things which have changed for the better.

Healthier Environment

Despite the pandemic, it would seem reasonable to believe that the natural world, at the very least, is receiving a respite. A world where humans travel significantly less should have significant environmental benefits. Our planet has finally taken a breath!! Never before has the environment been better cared for. Emissions of carbon dioxide have decreased. Emissions in China, the country with the largest carbon footprint in the world, were decreased by a fourth. As a result of the decline, there have been reports of cleaner air and rivers in many parts of the world. Because the lockdown has prevented traffic in the normally bustling canals, Venice’s waters are cleaner and clearer than they have been in years. Fish schools began to develop.

More time with Family

Another thing is our hectic work schedules made it difficult to spend meaningful time with our families. But because of stay-at-home orders, people were able to spend more time with their loved ones. 

Workplace Flexibility

You’re probably tired of hearing about how remote work has revolutionised this year, with endless arguments over whether we’ll ever return to the office full-time. However, we must overlook the fact that embracing flexible working is beneficial to both businesses and employees. Due to the COVID-19 situation, we all had to quickly adjust to remote working, which for some firms, such as startups, was no difficulty, but for others, significant modifications were required. Many businesses realised the benefits of zoom meetings, working from our kitchen tables, and not commuting after we all got acclimated to it. Flexible working makes employees happier and more productive, which offers a number of advantages for employer brands and businesses as a whole. It has been claimed to result in fewer sick days and absences, as well as demonstrating that businesses value their staff above everything else. They are concerned about their workers’ needs and recognize that balancing work and personal life is beneficial to their mental health and general well-being.

New sense of gratitude and appreciation

The pandemic provided us with a fresh perspective on everything we have taken for granted for so long, including our freedoms, leisure, connections, job, family, and friends. We’ve never considered how life as we know it may be ripped away from us without warning. Hopefully, once the crisis is passed, we will be able to express new levels of appreciation. We’ve also learned to appreciate and thank the health care workers who are on the front lines of this catastrophe, putting their lives on the line every day just to do their essential work. 

There are two sides to every coin. With the terrible comes the good. Countries all around the world are still combating the pandemic, and we will undoubtedly triumph.

We’re a race of survivors, and we’re going to win this as well. I agree that the fight is difficult and long. But let us look ahead and focus on the brighter side, because this is all we have during these trying times.

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