Qualities Of An Amazing Marketing Assistant

In an industry where the only constant is change, how do you know what to look for when hiring your own Marketing Assistant? Even though specific skill requirements may differ from job to job, the qualities needed for success in marketing are consistent across the career field. Amazing Marketing Assistants are first-class conversationalists, remarkable team players and capable project managers, with superb analytical and creative skills.

Here’s a list of qualities you need to look for when hiring your own Marketing Assistant:

1. Strong Communication skills

One of the most important skills to have (for any career) is Communication Skills. It’s a vital trait to have for people that’s in the Marketing Industry. Since a marketing assistant communicates with various people – from high-level executives to lower-level employees and even existing and potential clients, they need to be able to communicate on the phone, in person, via email/social media if necessary. They need to have strong reading comprehension skills as well. Remember, it’s their job to basically “sell” the company.

2. Organized and Analytical

Because of the variety of their responsibilities, one of the most important qualities a Marketing Assistant should possess is being organized. They should be able to know where things are. You can’t have a Marketing Assistant who’s all over the place and makes a mess of things! They need to be on top of everything. Another trait that a successful Marketing Assistant should have is the ability to think strategically. Since Digital Marketing is about having a goal and figuring out how to achieve that, your Marketing Assistant should have the ability to analyze situations, data and opportunities to determine the next steps.

3. Computer Literate and Internet Savvy

For your business to be on the top of this tech savvy world, your Marketing Assistant should at least be computer literate. They should be able to easily grasp technical things. Remember that you’re trying to have a presence in the Digital World and if your Marketing Assistant can’t even do menial tasks on the computer, then they’re not the one for the job.

4. Creative

When you’re in a Marketing meeting and your Marketing Assistant barely says anything or doesn’t even contribute any ideas to the team, then they might not be the one for you. “Great marketers don’t do things the way it’s always been done.” Great marketers are willing to take risks when it comes to their ideas.

5. Flexible and Adaptable

The only constant in Marketing is change. So being willing and able to adapt to changes is important. An amazing marketing assistant needs to be prepared to adopt new practices, update skill sets and knowledge base, keep up with the industry’s best practices and be able to stay current with the latest technologies and trends. You can’t have someone who uses their age or experience (or lack thereof) as an excuse to why they’re not able to adapt to the changes.

6. Self-directed and Motivated

A good marketing assistant should be able to perform their jobs without constant guidance. A manager cannot constantly be telling a marketing assistant what needs to be done. Remember, you’re not a babysitter. They should be aware of their tasks and due dates and can quickly move from task to task with little intervention.

In the world of Digital Marketing, it doesn’t require a great deal of specialized knowledge. Most of the technical knowledge and skills can be learned, but the traits and qualities that are required for success can’t be attained in the same way. Remember that your Marketing Assistant should have that self-motivation to learn, driven and passionate about what they do, and can work independently.

Want to know more about hiring your own Marketing Assistant? Call us at 1300 800 965 (AU)/+1 888 488 4069 (US & Canada) or email us at [email protected]