Your Virtual People Nine Years On

Resilience is a word that we have all been well acquainted with in the past two years, it has been a word that comes up a lot during tough times that we can almost associate the word with endurance, but no, resiliency is more than just silently enduring. It is an active mindset to overcome difficulties and surprisingly, one of the key components that power resiliency is the practice of gratitude.

Practicing gratitude can by no means, reduce the hardships that we experience, but, it sets our frame of mind to set recovery in motion. Gratitude helps in managing stress and strain in difficult situations by making us pause and look at the good that still occurs around us every single day. This is as true for people as it is for companies striving for success.

The 26th of November marks the 9th Anniversary of Your Virtual People and we love anniversaries because it is a good opportunity to reflect on the experiences where we have been through and steer our direction in the future. A good opportunity to reminisce important individual and collective successes, joyous events, and celebrate the extraordinary.

In the past 9 years, here are a few of the things we are grateful for:

1.We’re here and we’re still standing

Our past will point towards our future, and we believe that it is bright. Your Virtual People was the product of our CEO, Lota Samonte. Over the past 9 years, she has worked literally worked the company from the ground up and it’s still growing. It is not a story of an instant massive success, but, one of perseverance, motivation, opportunities, hope, and grit.

When we look back and reflect on how Your Virtual People started with a handful of people into an ever-growing team that constantly lends a hand to business success across continents 9 years later, it’s not hard to appreciate the journey and what the future still holds for the company, its employees, and our clients.

If there was anything positive that the pandemic has taught us, is that it is just another hurdle along the way and just like any other hurdle, can be overcome! Bring it on 2022!

2. A great team

It is a reality in the BPO industry that employee tenure can be short-lived. However, this isn’t the case for YVP as we proudly say that the average tenure of employees at YVP is 4. We are grateful to have a great team of motivated, productive, and committed individuals with a great array of skills to help your business needs and we’re on our way to growing the team even bigger.

3. Our clients

We are grateful to be working with our clients. Some of our clients have stayed with us for as long as the company has existed and have also kindly generated a working system of referral leads.

4. Difficulties brought people closer

When businesses suddenly needed to shift to having employees work remotely, the normal methods of communication were restricted by a greater margin, but, this has also allowed us to think creatively about how we could engage employees virtually and we are grateful that it has worked beautifully.

We had dress-up competitions, workshops, meetings over Zoom, and employee engagement was good, and we are grateful for that. The restrictions have encouraged all of us to find fun ways of getting together even if we aren’t physically within the same space and we are grateful for that.

5. Successes

There are real people behind business success.

Your Virtual People have always been committed to work-life balance, providing staff with a fun and friendly workplace. During a week’s worth of non-stop working, we know how easy it can be for our staff to feel burnt out, so we do Fun Fridays to help the staff refresh and rejuvenate themselves. With fun virtual games for the staff working from home and awesome prizes during Fun Fridays, they will surely forget the stress and exhaustion for that week. We even send birthday cakes and gifts with a bonus of exciting team-building activities and fun parties.

6. Lessons Learned

Over the course of 9 years, there have been scores of stories we can tell you about the victories and defeats, but we choose to revel in lessons we take to heart about what makes a business successful: leadership, ownership, business measurements, people, and celebrations- big & small.

Interested in Outsourcing and building a great team? Call us at 1300 800 965 (AU) /+1 888 488 4069 (US & Canada) or email us at [email protected]

Let’s help you gain back the time, freedom and peace of mind!